Is there still time for a Slow Surveyor?
As someone who spends quiet a bit of time travelling by car and with not much interest in music, I often find myself listening to BBC Radio 4. Among the many interesting and often excellent programs, I recently caught a discussion on the “Slow movement”. Originally a...
Radon and the importance of a good Building Survey
Most people only become aware of radon when it gets flagged up during searches as part of the conveyancing process but your surveyor also has a role to play.

What does Damp actually mean when it comes to houses?
Damp is one of those common terms we all know and often one of home buyers biggest fears but what do Surveyors really mean when they talk about damp? Firstly damp is a relative term, some construction materials are drier then others, some will be wet when they are...
My Valuation Survey has found damp, what do I do now?
The first thing to be aware of is that your Valuation is not a survey. Although it may have been a Surveyor who visited the property, the inspection that would have been carried out is in no way comparable to even the lowest level survey inspection. To avoid confusion...